Leaders in Retirement

The Future Belongs To Those Who See Possibilities Today

Experience and Vision

We offer a range of educational resources in 401(k) plans, Advisor support, Plan analysis and more.

401(k) Experts

At Q3 Retire, we offer comprehensive services to help you navigate the complexities of your 401(k) planning. Our experienced staff provide personalized advice, ensuring that your 401(k) plan is optimized for your unique financial goals.

401(k) Experts

At Q3 Retire, we are committed to helping advisors and plan sponsors achieve their goals. Our expert team provides the tools, resources, and support needed to create and manage successful 401(k) plans. Together, we make a positive impact on the financial well-being of your participants.

  • Advisor Services – At Q3 Retire, we offer comprehensive services to help you navigate the complexities of your 401(k) planning.

  • Education in the 401(k) Plans – We believe that informed participants, plan sponsors and advisors make better financial decisions. Our educational programs are designed to enhance your understanding of 401(k) plans, investment strategies, and retirement planning.

  • Plan Analysis for 401(k) – Optimize your 401(k) with our detailed plan analysis services. We evaluate every aspect of your retirement plan to identify strengths, uncover weaknesses, and provide actionable insights.


In everything we do, we strive to help advisors and their clients achieve their financial goals by making our services responsive to ever-changing markets, simple to understand, and fully transparent. Our core focus is to provide positive client experiences by utilizing disciplined money management principles designed to grow portfolios while managing risk.

We believe in continuous improvement. We constantly explore new approaches and evolve our existing offerings to best meet our clients’ needs.

Our approach to managing client portfolios is always hands on. This “active” style differs from that of typical investors who rely on a “buy and hold” strategy or as we call it “buy and hope.”

Buy and hold investors typically only do well in up markets, but down or sideways markets can reveal the flaws inherent in this approach. Being “long” the market throughout a period of declining securities prices can postpone an investor’s readiness for retirement. Our quantitative investment models are designed to adapt to all markets by taking advantage of market opportunities.

We believe that emotions are an obstacle to smart investing. They often lead investors to buy securities at precisely the time they should sell and to sell just when they should be buying. Our quantitative strategies are designed to capitalize on historical market tendencies and avoid poor investment decision-making that often results from emotional behavior.

All of Q3’s investment models are based on extensive research into market behavior. By identifying past trends, we look to uncover investment opportunities we believe give investors the best chance for long-term success.

We employ strict risk management guidelines to pursue our most important goal – protecting client wealth. We believe that knowing when to sell is just as important as knowing when to buy. Therefore, having an exit strategy is a vital part of our management approach.

Our strategies are designed with one priority, to protect investors from severe losses in down markets while providing quality participation in rising markets. To achieve superior performance, we must be nimble to react to continuously changing markets yet disciplined to always adhere to our methodologies.



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